
Showing posts from February, 2021



Light on Conspiracy- Weather Modification Technology

  SKEPTICS PLEASE READ these ARTICLES HAARP: Weather Modification Technology Re: 2 hurricanes at the same time. More deadly storms over the past four years than in any time in history. “HAARP: Secret Weapon Used For Weather Modification, Electromagnetic Warfare Just so you realize this is real and not a “theory” here are 100 patents related to weather modification: This carefully documented article on Weather Warfare was first published by Global Research on August 1, 2010. Some small edits have been made. The CBC, History Channel and Trutv dot com documentaries quoted in the article can now be viewed. They by no means can be considered as “conspiracy theories”. Moreover, the US Air Force has referred to “Owning the Weather for Military Use”. HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) is a little-known, yet critically important U.S. military defense program which has generated quite a bit of controversy over the years

Marxism - Satanism and BLM - What they don't tell you

  Perhaps you’re not aware, Karl Marx , who founded the Marxist ideologies that the leaders of BLM admit they follow, was a Satan worshipper.   Yes you heard me.  Not just anti religion or anti god (atheist) but a follower of the dark lord himself.  About Karl Marx :  “When he wrote these things, Marx… was eighteen. His life’s program had already been established. There was no word about serving mankind, the proletariat, or socialism. He wished to bring the world to ruin. He wished to build for himself a throne whose bulwark should be human shudder.[p.16].  source  And he did. Brethren, I believe that Karl Marx was possessed by the evilest of evil spirits;” BLM Marxist Agenda: The real mission of “Black Lives Matter” – Destruction of the family, open borders, plus bizarre racist doctrine A violent Marxist-Leninist group at its core. Its goals are ultimately destructive to blacks. A magnet for radicals, shallow white liberals,

Ascension News- Mask and the Ascension process

In layman’s terms:  This is a very short version of a much longer story: Your body needs oxygen in order to navigate the Ascension process. When your kundalini activates, when your chakras are fired up, your cerebrospinal fluid drips down — from pineal — all the way down your spinal column through your glands and mixes with other fluids and sacred secretions from your other glands - pituitary and thymus, until it gets to your coccyx, or root chakra and then back up firing up your chakras on the way back up.  This creates “ascension symptoms”.   When you limit your oxygen, by masking, your cerebrospinal fluid does not Do its job properly. It cannot function.  Ascension is hindered. When you breathe properly, your cerebrospinal fluid becomes ionized and then is able to carry out its function in the ascension and awakening process thereby activating your kundalini , creating the elixirs and firing up all your chakras.   When you wear a mask, you cannot breathe properly, you restrict your

Cognitive Dissonance

 What’s Cognitive Dissonance - in short, it’s what everybody globally is experiencing thanks to the overwhelming narrative war that’s been going on for so long.  Cognitive dissonance is a term for the state of discomfort felt when two or more modes of thought contradict each other. The clashing cognitions may include ideas, beliefs, or the knowledge that one has behaved in a certain way. The theory of cognitive dissonance proposes that people are averse to inconsistencies within their own minds. It offers one explanation for why people sometimes make an effort to adjust their thinking when their own thoughts, words, or behaviors seem to clash with each other. When one learns new information that challenges a deeply held belief, for example, or acts in a way that seems to undercut a favorable self-image, that person may feel motivated to somehow resolve the negative feeling that results—to restore cognitive consonance. Though a person may not always resolve cognitive dissonance, the res

Healthwatch: MSG and Glutamic acid - MIGRAINE CONNECTION

 If you are a migraine sufferer, you probably read labels, just to avoid getting a food or additive triggered migraine.  But what you m ay not know is that lots of foods you think are good for you or even "organic" may have hidden additives, preservatives and even MSG.  I just found out, for eg, that my organic keto coconut creamer has hidden MSG in the form of maltodextrin.  SO , another food for me to scratch off the list of "Can-haves".  FYI: for label readers, these things (MSG and glutamic acid)  occur “naturally” in some forms so often labelled “natural flavours” on ingredient list.  🌮 Being natural does not however mean safe, so beware! Even cyanide and lead are natural, but ingesting them can result in terrible damage or death. ⚠️ Glutamic Acid opens calcium channels. Many Migraineurs take preventive medications called Calcium Channel Blockers to help keep attacks from happening. For those who are very sensitive to MSG and free glutamates, Calcium Channel B

Iodine - Anti viral and protection from radiation

  Don’t forget about iodine to protect against multiple invaders including but not limited to radiation and viruses. Iodine is an essential mineral commonly found in seafood. Your thyroid gland uses it to make thyroid hormones, which help control growth, repair damaged cells and support a healthy metabolism 'After the 1918 Influenza Pandemic which killed an estimated 30 million people, governments financed research on the Pandemic’s causes. Over 25 years, influenza viruses were isolated and methods for killing them with various agents discovered. Iodine was the most effective agent for killing viruses, especially influenza viruses. Aerosol iodine was found to kill viruses in sprayed mists, and solutions of iodine were equally effective. Iodine is the most effective broad-spectrum antiseptic with low toxicity. Iodine has very high germicidal activity, and no organism develops resistance to iodine. Iodine has been used in various forms as an antiseptic for the skin, wounds, and m

Sacha Stone interviews David Icke and Sean Stone

click:  Sacha Stone and Davide Icke interview This is a fabulous long Sacha Stone interview with David Icke and Sean Stone.  They cover everything from cabal, to the virus, to the global financial systems to the great reset and the nwo agenda. Plus how you can navigate the changing world.

Your hearts electrical field - Torus

  Your heart’s electrical field extends out 6 feet from your body. When vibrating at the frequency of unconditional love, it goes even further. The heart’s electromagnetic frequency arcs out from the heart and back in the form of a torus field, which is the oldest structure in existence. Its shape is similar to a donut, with the whole center of it folding upon itself. The torus, as a consciousness, is constantly refreshing and influencing itself and touching everyone around you. The heart generates the strongest electromagnetic field produced by the body. An exchange of electromagnetic energy produced by the heart occurs when people touch or are in close proximity of one another. When people hold genuine core heart feeling such as appreciation or compassion, it naturally increases their heart coherence. This will radiate to other people in their field. Unless those folks are too far away from each other Do you think it’s a coincidence that they want us to stay 6 feet apart from one

You gotta keep your lights on!

Welcome to my new blog!  This is a place where we strive to keep the lights on in the darkness and bring hidden, nefarious things to the surface.  We are  censorship free space to share important info that you may want or need to help you make informed decisions in your life  and maintain sovereignty and control of your body, mind and soul. Subjects you will find here: Natural health including alternative cancer cures Herbology Energy Healing  Kundalini and sacred alchemy Symbology and code breaking Ancient Mysteries Vaccine information including side effects and injuries Food additives and toxins False Flags and Conspiracies Weather manipulation Secret Societies Hidden Agendas Education and -re-education Mind Control Lies and dis-information Red Pills of all shapes and sizes wwg1wga Keep your Lights on Lori-Anne Victoria